Your support of Persad Center makes a difference! image

Your support of Persad Center makes a difference!

$85,343 raised

$100,000 goal

/ 150


Lately I find myself more thankful then ever for your support of Persad Center.The growth and stability that we have achieved this past year has put Persad in an excellent position to move the agency forward as we continue to provide competent, affirming mental health services in a safe space free of judgment, bias, and discrimination.

In 2022 we conducted15,546 mental health therapy sessions in person at our Lawrenceville or Washington offices or via Telemedicine. Our competent full time and part-time therapists on staff (and hiring for more) are working hard to provide services as quickly as we can to a community that has never been more in need. Younger members of the LGBTQ+ community struggle the most and the transgender communities have the highest rates of mental health concerns within the LGBTQ+ population. Our transgender and gender non-conforming client base continues to grow and now is over 50%.

In the Spring of 2023, we are adding a a Nurse Practitioner to the team who will work in conjunction with our Medical Director in assessing, diagnosing, and treating our clients and allow us to offer full time psychiatric services. This new position will continue to elevate our services even further and improve the quality of life of the individuals that we serve.It requires a significant level of commitment and cost, and this is where we need your help. Mental health affects all of us and the urgent need for Persad Center’s mental health services has never been higher.

Will you donate to help Persad Center support this important growth initiative?

With your generosity, together we can ensure these needs will be met. With gratitude & thanks,

Marty Healey

Chief Executive Officer