Support LGBTQ+ Mental Health today!

Your donation today helps ensure that Persad Center is here for our community

Support LGBTQ+ Mental Health today! image


raised towards $50,000 goal



Days Left

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Your donation today helps ensure that Persad Center is here for our community

At Persad Center, we believe everybody deserves to thrive.


I’m writing to you more confident and hopeful than ever about Persad Center and our commitment to providing the best possible mental health care for our LGBTQ+ community.

We are laser-focused on managing the unprecedented increase in the need for the services that we provide. Telemedicine continues to be a critical need for our community. It has afforded Persad the ability to offer options to care for our clients and extend our reach far into the rural communities of Pennsylvania where there are no resources.

Because of this outreach, requests for appointments continue to increase and we are actively recruiting for additional, licensed therapists. We are also making sure that we are caring for our staff who are working so hard to meet the current demand. Since Covid-19 began, we have more than doubled the number of clients that we are serving and we do not see it slowing down. People need our help right now.

Our TransParent support group has become a safe haven for parents, family and friends who need our specialized support and education so that their child can feel affirmed and supported. And we are moving forward to start additional support groups as our world continues to open up to in-person groups and meetings.

There is a lot of work to do and please know that Persad Center has never been so well-positioned for that work. Dr. Jim Huggins and Randy Forrester founded Persad in 1972 and the important work that we do every day must continue to be a beacon of hope and health for our entire community for its next 50 years.

Persad is committed to never turning anyone away who needs our help, however we need your financial support to ensure that everyone has access to quality and experienced mental health therapy. Will you donate today to support LGBTQ+ mental health?

Thank you~

Marty & the team at Persad Center